X-C Competition is the ultimate test of pilot skill. It's also a great way for newer pilots to
learn from more advanced pilots. Racing 5 to 14 days in a row will test you mentally and physically. The average comp
lasts 6 days. Each day's task is scored through a specially developed software system, with a maximum point value of
1,000 pts to the winner. Each pilot is scored with a modern GPS unit, which lays a tracklog
of the pilot's progress over the course.
Each morning the task committee meets to choose a task based upon current and forecasted weather. The committee takes
safety concerns into account, and decides which type of race will be run as well what time the launch will open/close.
Tasks range between 25 and 125 kms in length and 1.5 to 4 hours in duration. There are three types of courses: Triangles,
Out & Return, and Downwind Race to Goal.
It is spectacular to see a large number of pilots all filling the sky with a common goal. The density of
paragliders also allows us to race faster, further, as each pilot has the benefit of the others around
to help them find more thermals and avoid heavy sink.
Most sanctioned US competitions provide organized retrieval, making it a convenient way to experience new flying sites.
In the end of the competition it's not always the fastest pilot who wins but rather the most consistent pilots who are on top.
David helped create the East Coast Championships in 2003 after several years of racing hanggliders in Florida.
David knew The sweet, smooth Florida air was perfect for racing paragliders. This was the first ever USHGA
sanctioned tow event and the first sanctioned east coast event for paragliders. The event was held three
consecutive years in Florida. The event now travels to new locations around the east coast, this year in
Tater hill N.C.